Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Group Meetings!

Hey guys welcome back! I hope you've had a great weekend and are ready for the new week. I wanted to hop on here and chat a little about what I did today. Today in class, we did group meetings. Like last time we talked about our project and gave each other feedback of what we could improve. This is helpful because when it comes close to the end of the line there are some things that need tweaking and it's best to get some outside point of view feedback. As we went around the table I gave a lot of good feedback to my group. 

When it came around to me, I gave them the link to my blog. They quickly went on and began to skim through my posts and give me feedback on anything that they thought I needed help with or could improve. I had explained that we were close to finishing and that all we had to do was finish filming. I had explained that I was having a little trouble figuring out what other things we can put in for b-roll. I had enough b-roll to place into the documentary, but it was giving me a feeling that it needed more b-roll pertaining to the individual (in this case Javier). 

One of my group members gave me the bright idea to input more things about his past, for example, more pictures pertaining to his past. My teacher had told me that we couldn't put anything into this documentary that we didn't create ourselves, so we showed a little bit of b-roll of us filming a slow walkthrough of some old pictures. This is helpful in helping the audience put together the information faster and understand Javier and his expansion to the US on the deeper level. 

We also talked about the print component portion of the project that I need to do. For me, it is the magazine spread. They asked me how it was going, and I said it was going very well and all we had to do was add some nice pictures to create the magazine look. We did have to go back in and make sure our magazine had all the correct magazine conventions and this was helpful as well.

Here is an image of me and my group:

In case you were curious, you can see me in the back right with the blonde hair and black shirt. Overall, they gave me a lot of great feedback that actually helped me improve my project planning and help me organize my head a little bit. Thank you so much for tuning in and I hope you have a great rest of your day. I'll see you next time!

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Critical Reflection

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