Saturday, February 25, 2023
Friday, February 24, 2023
Camera Equipment
Hey guys!! Hope you're having a good weekend.
I wanted to give you a bit of an update on what's going on next and how the project is coming along. Now that most of the planning is done. Now it's time for the specifics. What I will use to shoot, what will happen in each scene, etc. Next week I will be doing a storyboard of the EXACT things happening in each scene so stay tuned!
Today we are going to talk about what I will be using to film. I want the best resolution possible so I will be using a Nikon D800 for the pictures and my Iphone 13 for the video. This NIKON camera has AMAZING resolution and would be perfect for pictures and my phone has amazing resolution as well for video. My mother was taking some photography classes in college and used this camera after her classes and she has taught me how to use it so I think it would be fun to use it for at least one thing.
I won't be using it for pictures in the final video because there are no pictures I can really put in it. What I can do is use it for taking pictures of us filming. Using this camera is always fun and I do need to document out progress somehow and i'll be using my phone to film so why not!
Here are pictures of what I will be using in case you didn't know what they looked like:
Thursday, February 23, 2023
I wanted to talk to you guys today about who I will be casting for my parts. For this project, I will need 2 main characters and about 3 backup people. Here are the people I will be casting for the parts:
Johnny Walker
The person that would be playing Johnny Walker in the film opening would be my friend Santiago Fermin. He is a big looking guy so he would play this older character well. He is fast and the clothing I have planned for his character would suit him well. In case you don't know what this person's clothing looks like, check out the mood board in one of my previous posts about the characters. The same for Pakhan.
The Pakhan will be a character that is not shown in the film opening. This is a character who is mentioned in the opening but does not show up since he is a busy person. This definitely adds to the suspense of the opening because it will make people imagine what he looks like and see him as this huge powerful person who doesn't show up to all meetings since his time is precious. I know there's nobody to cast for this character since he will not be shown in the opening but I thought it would be a good idea to just introduce the character a bit so you know that he is there but not there at the same time.
Backup People
Since the backup people have to look like "followers", I can cast my friends for these parts and it would make it easier and look great as well. I will be casting my girlfriend and my sister to be the backup people. This is good because it also ties into representation.
That's all I needed to say for today's post and i'll see you on the next post. Have a great day!
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
SS - Setting & Set design
Hey guys, I have a few things left in my planning and that's what I am going to be talking about for the rest of the week. Next week, we get to the fun part lol. Let's get right into it.
There will be 2 settings. The room and the holding area. In the beginning of the story, the main character goes into his room in a panic to get all of his stuff and get out of there. That setting will be shot in my sisters room. It is supposed to be a hotel room so since my grandmothers house is very big and has many isolated rooms, I think that would be the best place to film this scene. The next scene would be the warehouse scene. In this scene, the main character is kidnapped and brought to some warehouse. Since my grandmother's garage is very big, I think it would be a good place to film the warehouse scene. Here below are pictures of where I will film so you can better picture more or less how the film opening would look like.
Set Design
Similar to what I said in the previous posts, the room setting will be like a motel room. Typically, people with government jobs have have a lot of fast food in their rooms. That is why I will be having empty fast food items on the floor and around the room. The room will also be filled with papers with classified stamps on them hinting some type of government job. There will also be a picture frame of the main characters family on the desk. The room will be messy overall and be chaotic.
Warehouse / Garage:
This setting will be dark with one overhead light and pretty dirty/dusty. There will be mainly one source of light like you see in the picture behind the sliding doors. When filming, I'm thinking of putting one large overhead light above to make it look like an interrogation. There will be a singular chair in the room and some tools to get them talking if you know what I mean. My grandfather's workshop used to be right through those sliding doors so i'm sure I can find some tools to satisfy this scene.
Well that's all for this post and after this, we'll be getting more in detail so I hope to see you there!
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Ideas / Planning Pictures
Hey guys, I just wanted to post something small today to show you my planning page.
When I was first trying to come up with an idea, I grabbed a pen and wrote away. I started writing things that I would like in my project. Then it just clicked. I started writing and couldn't stop. I was just writing everything down. The techniques, the storyline and so much more until it turned into a paper that only I could understand. Here are the 2 papers. My ideas and my real plan.
Saturday, February 18, 2023
Story Development / Character Development
Today's the day, the day I finally announce my idea for my film opening. I will also talk about the 2 main characters that will be in the opening.
The film will open with a hotel looking room. Papers are scattered everywhere with a classified stamp on the top corner of the paper and folder. In the panning, it'll stop near a briefing paper to give the audience his name and his mission. The camera will be panning through the room until it stops at a medium shot of the door. A man suddenly barges in. He's super paranoid and looks like he is trying to escape somebody. He is wearing a heavy coat to infer that it is somewhere cold. He packing up his things as fast as he can. He grabs all the papers and shoves them into his bag. He starts packing his things on the night stand when he stops to stare at a picture of him and his son. He takes a second staring to infer that he did what he did for him. All these papers with the classified stamp infer a government job. As soon as he's about to finish packing his stuff, he suddenly gets hit on the back of the head and when he hits the ground, the screen cuts to black. It opens with a POV shot of him blinking and 2 people in front of him. He seems to be in a warehouse or a garage of some kind. There are 2 women standing there. He wants to know where he is and wants to speak to the Pakhan. The 2 women say that he couldn't make it and they get to have the fun of getting information out of him. He resists and they handle it the hard way. Johnny walker screams and the scene ends there.
Johnny Walker
This is my main character. He is a government spy who is originally from Washington, D.C and has always wanted to be a government spy. He is a medium height man who is in way over his head. He has a messy room but is overall an organized man. He has a dark color palette with whites and blacks to keep hidden when he's undercover.
Thursday, February 16, 2023
Movie Research Results
Hey guys, I have watched the film openings for 3 of the films. I thought they were actually really really good. Here are my research results:
Gladiator (2000)
The film opens with a quiet scene with serene music accompanying it. It shows a closeup of a bird creating a sense of calmness in nature. It almost seems peaceful, until it flies away insinuating that something is about to happen. It then walks through a battlefield with many soldiers. The main character is wearing flashier clothing which insinuates that he is a leader of some kind. He tries to give us an idea of the vast scale of their empire, telling us, “one quarter of the world’s population lived and died under the Caesars.” This is a very important statement as the emphasis on “and died” prepares us for the coming battle scene they secretly insinuated throughout the whole opening. These small little details hinted here and there helped create the story and helped us understand the plot.
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Here is the link where I got my information for "Saving Private Ryan":
The most important techniques used in the video are the following:
Camera Shots
- Close ups
- Medium Shots
- Long Shots
- Establishing Shots
- High angle shots
- Wide angle shots
Camera Techniques
- Hand held camera shots
- underwater shots to add emphasis to the chaos
- Shaky footage to intensify the chaos
- Loud Sounds to insinuate explosions
- intense music
- faint ringing to make if feel like you are there because when you hear something really loud like an explosion, your ears ring.
- Old war items like the guns and land blockades to stop boats from getting on land. This insinuates WWII time period.
- The clothing they are using as well insinuates that old war time period (most likely WWII)
Jason Bourne (2016)
- Medium Shots
- Long Shots
- Establishing Shots
- High angle shots
- Wide angle shots
- Extreme close ups (to insinuate the importance of it)
Camera Techniques
- Shaky footage to add the dramatic effect on it
- Hand held shots
- underwater footage to show the deepness of the situation
- Loud thunderstorm sounds to insinuate the danger of the situation and the confusion the fisherman.
- emphasized the metal clanking when pulling out the bullet almost to give a relaxed feeling.
- Intense music
- When the bullet was taken out, the music stopped. This also gives the calming effect after it is removed.
- The. set was very fisherman like. Things laying around, tools and food in the background, etc.
- They are also wearing the typical fisherman outfits for when it storms.
These small little details hinted throughout each opening helped create the story and helped us understand the plot. These are things that I am thinking of putting in my opening to add these specific effects on the audience that I need.
Well, that's it for today and tomorrow we will talk about my idea for my opening, so stay tuned!
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Movie Research / Ideas
Back for more?
Well today we are gonna talk about some research we will be doing for some ideas for our project. I have created a list of movies of the same genre with really good film openings. Below is the list of movies:
- Gladiator (2000)
- The Dark Knight (2008)
- Saving Private Ryan (1998)
- Jason Bourne (2016)
- Mission Impossible (1996)
- Jack Reacher (2012)
I plan on watching at least 3. I want to do some research on this to get inspiration and ideas to do in my opening. I already have some ideas but I am not sure if I should do them yet but you'll hear them soon 👀. I want to watch a few openings before deciding for sure my ideas. Since the openings are semi-short, I am planning on watching a few between now and my next post. My next post will be a detailed description on my research results. I wanted to include a bit of information about my target audience as well. If you didn't know already from my last post, my genre is action/thriller and my target audience is mainly young male adults ages 18-25. This is because people around this age bracket are drawn to the realness and graphic action around the intense storyline. This makes this genre perfect for our age group and is personally one of my favorites.
Here is the website I used for my research:
Well, that's it for today and i'll catch you on the flip side!
Monday, February 13, 2023
Brainstorming: Genre
Hello again,
ever since I posted the last blog, i've been thinking about the angles I could take with this project. The storyline, the genres, etc. But after careful consideration, I think I have figured out my genre. My favorite genre is action/thrillers so I think going down that route would be smart since I know about it more and it interests me.
Some of my favorite action thrillers are:
- Bourne (the whole movie series)
- Jack Ryan (TV show)
- Reacher (TV show)
Sunday, February 12, 2023
And Takeoff !!
Hello there and welcome to the beginning of our journey.
For those of you who haven't read my other posts, I am a student in AICE media studies. If you don't know what the class offers, it is a class that focuses on how the power of media influences the world.
We have just begun a huge project that will take up the remainder of the year and I am very excited to share and complete this project. We are creating a 2 minute film opening that establishes the tone, illustrates the genre, develops purpose, and most importantly engages the audience. You can't make a piece that people wont want to watch!
You may be wondering what the ideas are for our genre, storyline, and characters. But you guys are gonna have to stay tuned for these next few weeks if you wanna find out!
We will start off with planning and production the first couple weeks. This includes things like the genre, characters, plot aspects, technical elements, outlines, layout drawings, storyboards, and even shooting schedules. The next couple weeks after that would entail the production process and reflection portion of the project. If we keep on schedule, we can finish this project in no time and still have time to spare.
We have about 8 weeks to complete this project. Like i said, it will be chalk full of research, planning, production, post-production, and finally reflection. This whole journey will documented and be very detailed so be sure to check out the blog every week and I am so excited to share my journey with you guys along the way!
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
RedSkyz Process
Critical Reflection
Our episodic documentary 'Make It Happen' works to develop the idea of the immigrant experience of establishing a company in the US....

Hey guys welcome back! Today I want to talk to you about some research I did regarding my documentary's social media plan. As you know, ...
Hey guys, the day has finally come to film. My friend is coming over in a little bit to film but I just wanted to talk to you quickly and ...